Looking For Anything Specific?


We live in a society where every one is tempted to keep up with the latest fashion, have the latest designer wears and hang out with the happening people. We want to have everything and anything good that comes our way and go as far as doing anything to get what we want. Having all these in mind we forget that what we spend or intend spending is more than the income that comes in hence the probability in doing the unthinkable to get what we want.

Living within your means is either spending less or equal to what you earn and to effectively achieve this, the best way is having a budget that is not beyond your income, listing out your needs in order of priority. Budgeting enables you to keep your spending on track and if the things you have listed are higher than your income, then some minor changes would have to be made so you don't go beyond your means.
What ever is not needful or less needful can be done away with to enable you do some savings for rainy days. You should be be able to separate your needs from your wants. Your wants are things you can live without or could postpone having for another time while your needs are those pressing issues that need to be resolved as soon as possible.
For some one who earns monthly income and pays bills, you already know your bills are your needs and should be of top priority in your budget and likewise other pressing needs.

spending less than you earn is one way to effectively live within your means. Learn to be financially disciplined with your earnings and spendings. You must not get or have everything that comes your way.

Set targets you intend to achieve for yourself and then plan towards achieving your set goals.
There are times you just have to let go of certain things you feel you want knowing the target you have set for yourself to achieve in the nearest future with your earned money. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing you achieved a thing with the money you earned legally.

The temptation of spending beyond your means is trying to have anything and everything you see, trying to measure up with others especially those who known or unknown to you  earn much more than you do or trying to please everyone resulting to doing the unthinkable just to keep up appearances.

You need not impress any one. The one or people you are trying to impress either do not know you exist or are not impressed with what you do and how you look. live your life according to your pace and earnings. When you don't have, you don't have. Try not to go over board to please or impress anyone.

Be unapologetic of how much you earn and how you live your life according to your financial pace but rather be proud of the fact that you earn a living no matter how little is.

Living within your means brings to your heart peace and contentment. Keep your needs simple and enjoy the small pleasures you derive in the little things you do from your means.

Quote for the day -  "The recession won't be over till we raise a generation that knows how to live on what they've got." - Anonymous.

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