Looking For Anything Specific?


Waiting is one thing that most of us hate doing yet it is part of life. 

At one point in time or another, we find ourselves waiting for one thing or the other. In fact, there is no stage in life where we don't want for something. It can not be avoided.

We live in a day and age where  everyone wants to get things done quickly. We are always in a rush to get what we want else we become frustrated and feel stagnated.

We begin to feel like life is frozen and everything on a stand-still like there is no head-way. Then comes the frustration and temptation to want to get things done our way just as Sarah did when she could no longer wait for the promised child - Isaac.

Just because things aren't working out as expected doesn't mean that they never will or that your life is over. 

It's just a matter of time and you need to keep living and pursue other dreams while you wait.

Keep growing, keep evolving, keep discovering and developing your God-given dreams, talents and skills. 

Focusing on the present circumstance can prevent you from living the life God has called you to live. 

It can prevent you from doing things you ought to do that make you happy.

Focusing on the present perceived negative circumstance in life prevents you from being happy but when you are focused on God believing He is behind the scenes working it out for you, you can be happy all the time irrespective of what is happening around you.

Stop worrying about what is happening or what is not happening and focus on God. He can take care of what you can't. Where your strength fails is when He steps in.

God has not forgotten about you and will never forget about you. He knows you are here and how long you have been here waiting.

He knows what's in you - patience, perseverance, faith, hope and trust- Stop fighting the waiting period but embrace it believing that your times are in God's hands.

He is preparing you for what is to come - His best for you - working all things for your good and at the appointed time, he will make all things right because he makes all things beautiful in His time - Ecclesiastes 3:11.

While waiting, we might be tempted to begin to worry about what people may think or say about us and our present circumstance but our confidence is not in what people think or say about us but in what God says.

Knowing your confidence is in God alone enables you to survive the waiting period. 

Your worth and value is validated in God's promises - the things he says about you in his words.

People may have left you, abandoned you, rejected you and cast you aside, but God says he will never leave nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He is with you through it all.

God will always bring the right people your way and that special someone that will be with you in every season of your life looking beyond your imperfections.

While you wait, don't compare your life with that of others even when it seems they've got everything working out fine for them and they are further along leaving you behind.

It may seem like they do not go through any form of challenge or that they don't have the kind of challenge you go through but trust me, we all have our challenges that are unique to us.

No one's challenge is smaller or greater than the other because we all feel the magnitude of each challenge we come across. 

You just stay in your lane and keep running your race because God's purposes for our lives are different and unique to each of us. 

Your purpose in life is not the same as anyone's. Just stay focused on God.

He is always behind the scenes working at every stage of our lives whether we know it, feel it, see it or not. He is always there working behind the scenes.

Instead of stressing about what is not working for now and the things beyond your control, why not focus on the good things God has done for you trusting he is taking you to greater heights.

When we feel nothing is happening  , something is actually happening. We may not see what we want at the time or for a bit longer but something is happening to us and in us in-between.

If every of our prayers were answered instantly, every of requests granted and every problem automatically solved, then we wouldn't learn how to depend on God, our character would never develop, patience won't be built, faith won't be stretched  and we would be spoilt rotten.

While we wait, God is working all these things in us so we can always stand the test of time in The future looking back at how far he has brought us.

While you are waiting, God is working behind the scenes for that prayer to be answered, for that situation to change and in turn changing you into a better person. So hold on. 

After all else is done by you the very best way you can, do nothing but wait on God. Stay in faith and keep building yourself in character, strength and in your gifts. 

Quote for the day - "Sometimes, God does not meet our expectations because he wants to exceed them."

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