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Daily showing up, putting in the work, taking risks and putting yourself out there leads to success. As we strive, putting in our best into our crafts, disciplines, dreams and visions, we create a snowball that will pick up as it grows. Whatever we decide to do daily leads to an outcome and whatever pendulum we pick, we end up standing out.

But unfortunately, what we do not envisage most of the time as we embark on a journey of growth are the trolls, haters, bullies and the envious that will show up all of a sudden. Some of these people will come directly at you while some will do indirectly. But guess what? They are also part of your growth as long as you become unapologetic about your growth. 

As you continue to be unapologetic about your growth, you become big in the eyes of your haters while they become small in yours. The only way to avoid these haters, is to remain small by doing nothing. 

Your growth in life is non-negotiable and as journey through life building and improving yourself to become a better person, know that you will upset people who would want you to remain small. 

When you become unapologetic about your growth in a specific area or in all areas of your life, you stand out among your peers. Your growth becomes visible to everyone around you. Some will encourage and support your growth, some will become intimidated and inferior while there will be those who would be less bothered or unconcerned about your growth. 

Those irritated by your growth will even look for ways to downplay your success because unconsciously or consciously, they feel threatened and intimidated by your growth. To some of these people, you are even an inspiration and motivation to them but they will never be courageous enough to tell you how you have impacted their lives. As long as you are faithful and consistent in the pursuit of your growth, it will definitely show.

Irrespective of how your growth plays out to others especially to those who react negatively, know that it is not your fault. Be more concerned about improving your life and how your growth pans out than what any other person thinks and this is why you need to be unapologetic about your growth. 


When you become unapologetic about your growth, you become :

Your daily and consistent input in your growth produces results that may even seem insignificant to people around you but because you know you are moving towards your goals and growth, you become more courageous and daring. You see more reasons to keep pressing and moving on despite the hurdles, obstacles and naysayers.

2. BLIND TO NEGATIVE PEOPLE : The truth in life is that people will always talk about you. Whether you doing something or not, people will always find a reason to talk down on you how much more when you are doing all that you can to improve your life. But when you become unapologetic about your growth, you become blind to such people and pay deaf ears to negative talks. You care less what people think or say about you and your growth.

Trivial things become of less importance to you. You rather would focus on the important things that make life worth living such as your growth. 

4. ALL YOU HAVE EVER DREAMED OF : Becoming unapologetic about your growth improves your chances of becoming successful in all that you do leading to the life you dreamed of living.

5. HAPPIER : Seeing significant growth in your life as  you consistently pursue your growth, you become happier in life. You become less bothered about the things happening around you because you have a goal in sight which keeps you happier and motivated to keep pressing on.

Your journey is yours alone and your story alone to tell. Compete with no one but yourself. Surpass your own limits every day. Stay committed, consistent, disciplined and unapologetic about your growth.

The target of haters are always the strong, confident and successful people. If people keep talking about you, it means you are doing well in your craft and in life so keep thriving, keep mowing and keep wining. Let them keep talking while you keep moving.

Quote for the day "Don't shrink yourself in fear of what people might say or think about you. Be bold, be strong and be unapologetic about your growth." Rhoda I. Amapakabo

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