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Ever been in a situation where you had made up your mind to do a certain thing or act on a decision but all of a sudden, you got discouraged?

You had all hopes, you were optimistic and excited over it the previous day, hour or second but all of a sudden, the whole excitement died off, the optimism weakened and all hopes got lost because you got discouraged.

You had seen  a way out, the way forward or brighter future but for one reason or the other  you no longer saw anything positive about the plans you had or the decision you had taken and as a result, you had to let go. I have been there too several times.

Sometimes, these things are great ideas given to us by God. Dreams and visions God has ordained us to pursue and live as a lifestyle. Skills and talents God has blessed us with.

So many reasons could lead to a change of mind after you had made up our mind on a thing. And these could be fear of being criticized, mocked or laughed to scorn. Fear of failure, fear of past failure repeating itself, fear of past mistakes or fear of making mistakes in the long or short run.

God has destined each and everyone of us for greatness but what prevents us from becoming great as God intended is our fears and doubts. Fear of not being good enough or capable to live that life.

We need to put the past behind us, get behind the hurts and get rid of the fears and move on. You need to do it afraid despite the fears. Whether you fail or succeed, you will learn from both ways.

Your mind is a battlefield between your belief, confidence, faith, hope, ability, capability indecision etc and your doubts, fears, discouragement, unbelief, uncertainty, decisiveness etc. 

The aspect you pay more attention to eventually wins the battle. If you think you can then you will and if you think you can't then you won't be able to. Decide which you want.

Align your thoughts with God's words believing every word of it. No wonder the Bible says in Romans 12:12 that you "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God."

If you set your mind on doing something and you know it's of great benefit to you then you must learn to discipline your thoughts. Replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

When it seems like its not working as you had hoped, keep pressing on and hold on to God. The Bible says, "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand." (Zechariah 4:10).

There might be setbacks, less encouragement from loved ones, mistakes made and failures experienced, still keep your eyes focused on the vision. Keep going on and never give up. Have a made up mind.

Your keeping on and pressing on despite the obstacles indicate your faith and trust in God. In most cases, these things come as a test to us and when you give in or give up, then the dream dies. 

When it its seems like nothing is working, that's when your character is being worked on, patience and perseverance built/developed. Hope and faith increased in God. 

When you are able to go through a made up mind despite the odds, then you would win the battle of the mind making you more confident than ever.

Quote for the day - "Never Underestimate the power of a made up mind."

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