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It was a privilege to be part of the 5th edition of Praise Until Something Happens (PUSH) where I spoke on praise.

It is easy to praise God when everything seems to be going well as planned, but once the ships go down and things begin to go haywire, the last thing that comes to mind is to praise God. There is also this set of people who only praise God when they are in need, making God a checkbook father. Once their heart's desires are granted, they forget God, not even thanksgiving proceeds from their mouths. Now, while thanksgiving is showing appreciation or gratitude to God for all He has done, Praise is acknowledging who God is. In praise, we acknowledge God's sovereignty,  His holiness, His beauty, His majesty, His excellency, His greatness etc. 1st Chronicles 16:25 says " For great is the Lord who is most worthy of praise. He is to be feared above all gods." That is why we call Him;

The King of kings
Lord of lords
Ancient of day
I am that I am
Way maker
Omnipotent God
omnipresent God
Omniscient God
Creator of heaven and earth
Master of the Universe

The Igbos call Him;

Ebube dike
Agu neche mba
Dike Naya
Chi ka Chi
Olisa Obin'igwe

The Hausas call Him;

Isa Almasihu
Sarki Duniya
Mai Biyan Bukata
Mai Cheto
Sarki Sarakun

The Yorubas call Him;

Arugbo Ojo
Atofarati Bi oke

When we call God all these names, what we do is acknowledge who He is in our praises to Him. So then, when is it proper to actually give God praise? The answer is simple, at all times irrespective of the situation we find ourselves in. Weather things are going well for us or not we ought to praise God at all times. Psalm 34:1 says" I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise will continually be in my mouth." When you praise God at all times, especially in difficult moments, you proclaim your faith in Him, indicate your total dependence on Him and you let Him know that He is Lord over your life , the only one who can bring you out of every negative situation.

I have come to realize that, when you praise God in turbulent times, even before He steps into the situation, you experience peace and calm within you , your eyes are taken off the problem and your focus on God alone, the way maker because your faith and hope is risen in Him.

To be continued...

Quote for the day - "And if He takes, still will I praise Him." - Anonymous 

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