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Hey dear,

Yesterday got a bad news with an sms saying my cousin had passed on. on receiving that sms i remembered my mum, who passed on in 2015. I remembered things i would have or should have done but couldn't or didn't do, i remembered the times i disobeyed her and the consequences i got for disobeying.

Why am i saying this? live life to the fullest with your loved ones. Value every one deeply and cherish every moment spent with loved ones. live every day like its the last putting your best to it.

I love you all

Your Life Coach

Rhoda Amapakabo
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  1. We all got one life,live it,love it,cherish,and most of all... We are nothing but God's tools,so live for him

    1. wow! we are indeed God's tool and we live mainly for Him. Thank you for that word

  2. We all got one life,live it,love it,cherish,and most of all... We are nothing but God's tools,so live for him

    1. wow! we are indeed God's tool and we live mainly for Him. Thank you for that word

  3. Hmmmm! It's so pathetic but we cannot question the Almighty God. It is also advisable that we listen to every useful advice dished out to us so as not to regret later in life.

  4. True talk we've only got one chance to make the best memories we can and at thesame time sad things happens to the ones we are supposed to make these memories with. There's no time so just live..I agree with u Madam life coach.��

    1. Thanks dear. Well said. No time but to live life to the fullest with every moment we've got
